About the Care Resource Fund
Did you Know? …
About 66% of Americans report they are very, somewhat, or a little concerned they won’t be able to afford medical care; and this has worsened with the pandemic.
Healthlincs and its partners provide care management for special needs children and adults with chronic illnesses, and sometimes their insurance does not cover their healthcare needs – and certainly, no support to address social determinants of health.
The Healthlincs Care Resource Fund was started in 2020 to help individuals we serve with financial assistance to purchase services or products that are not covered by their insurance. Just promoting healthy choices won’t eliminate these and other health disparities; we also need to address social determinants of health.
“Social determinants of health (SDOH) have a major impact on people’s health, well-being, and quality of life. Examples of SDOH include safe housing, transportation, and neighborhoods; racism, discrimination, and violence; education, job opportunities, and income; access to nutritious foods and physical activity opportunities; polluted air and water; & language and literacy skills. SDOH also contributes to wide health disparities and inequities. For example, people who don’t have access to grocery stores with healthy foods are less likely to have good nutrition. That raises their risk of health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity — and even lowers life expectancy relative to people who do have access to healthy foods.
To Donors:
The Healthlincs Care Resource Fund is from the generous donations of friends of Healthlincs. The availability of funds to support is based on the amount of money donated. Please join us to do the needful and donate what you can! Thanks for your generosity & support!
Your gift sparks futures of hope!
When you donate to Healthlincs, you’re not just giving; you’re igniting hope, fostering growth, and creating a brighter future for those in need.
Help Our Cause
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our annual goal of $500,000. Your generous donation will help us support individuals we serve with financial assistance to purchase services or products that are not covered by their health insurance. Thank you for your generosity!
Call 301-200-3851 or send an email to admin@healthlincs.org